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Chewjitsu & Jordan Teaches Jiujitsu Have An EPIC Roll... | BJJ Rolling Commentary


Updated: May 23, 2023

It's because chewy's weightis still very much on me watch how I'm patient and wait for his weight to come off to the side before seizing the opportunity that patience paid off and look how I get my underhook deeper and deeper and I'll wait for slow-mo to explain exactlywhat's happeningchewie tries to counter my underhook bybackstepping but I block his hips withmy left leg and now I use my underhookto come up and initially try to knee tapbefore coming around to the body blockwhen I lift him I really prioritizeangling his hips to the side so there'sno way he can post his feet on the matto stop the throw this is my favoriteway of finishing this type of throwbecause it's a gentle landing for yourpartner and you land on the mat withtheir back it's a lot easier puttingyour top hook rather than your bottomhook so I need to bring chewie to theother side so my bottom hook becomes mytop hook chewie is stopping me fromputting in my top hook using his handI'm super dead at this point I'm surechewie is too and like I said it's superhot in costa rica so I just wait untilhe can miss his hands to my arm to putin my top hook and when I do I cross myfeet because I like to make white beltsand blue belts freak out and tell me I'mdoing something wrongchewie gets a beautiful escape byclearing my top arm and then controllingthe wrist to prevent me from regainingupper body control watch how I use myright butterfly hook to keep chewy's legelevated so he can't come up on top ifhe can't put his feet on the mat then hecan't stand up I want to say a big thankyou to chewie for doing this with me Ialways want to give the YouTube choiceto community what they want to see andI'm really glad we can make this happenit was a pleasure rolling as such abeast and if you're still here pleaseleave a comment or fist bump and I'llsee you guys next time


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